Shaving Steps

  1. Lather Up: Use shaving soap, oil, or gel for a smooth glide.
  2. Check Your Razor: Ensure blades are sharp and clean.
  3. Angle It Right: When shaving, you MUST hold the razor at a 30-35° angle to ensure the safetyedge tech is being used.
  4. Short Strokes: Shave in short, controlled movements.
  5. *MOST IMPORTANT STEP* Little to no Pressure: Let the razor’s heavy weight do the work, do not press down hard!!!
  6. Slow & Steady: Be extra careful around knees and ankles.
  7. Shave Smart: Go with the grain first, against it for a closer finish.
  8. Rinse Often: Keep blades clean for the best results.
  9. Moisturize: Rinse with cool water, pat dry, and hydrate skin.
  10. Watch & Learn: Watch the videos below to learn how to assemble the razor & get that PERFECT shave!

*If you don't assemble the razor correctly it will not shave which is why the videos below are so important. *